Oracle Database 12c PL/SQL Advanced Programming Techniques

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Take Your PL/SQL Programming Skills to the Next Level

Build robust database-centric PL/SQL applications quickly and effectively. Oracle Database 12c PL/SQL Advanced Programming Techniques shows you how to write and deploy Java libraries inside Oracle Database 12c, use the utl_file and DBMS_SCHEDULER packages, and create external tables and external procedures. Application security, performance tuning, and Oracle Database In-Memory are also covered in this Oracle Press guide.

  • Configure, deploy, and troubleshoot Java libraries for Oracle object types
  • Use the utl_file package to manage unstructured and structured data
  • Develop and deploy Java I/O libraries and wrap them with PL/SQL
  • Create and use external tables
  • Implement high-speed data transfer
  • Harden database systems and develop secure applications
  • Manage complex schedules and jobs with the DBMS_SCHEDULER package
  • Optimize PL/SQL for use in performance tuning
  • Create and deploy external procedures
  • Implement the Oracle Database In-Memory column store feature
McGraw-Hill Companies