Microsoft Word Step by Step (Office 2021 and Microsoft 365)
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Price: | $20.00 |
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ft Word 365 and Word 2021 for Windows!
This is learning made easy. Get more done quickly with Microsoft Word. Jump in wherever you need answers-- brisk lessons and detailed screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step.
- Create great-looking, well-organized, accessible documents to enhance communication
- Use headings, bookmarks, and footnotes for more intuitive access to knowledge
- Present complex information in diagrams and charts
- Illustrate concepts by using professional stock images, 3D models, icons, and screen clippings
- Collaborate with other Word and Word for the web users to create and edit documents in real time, tracking changes for review and automatically saving file versions
- Enforce security and privacy in electronic documents
- Quickly build tables of contents, indexes, and bibliographies
- Generate personalized emails, letters, labels, envelopes, directories, and catalogs from various data sources
- Supercharge efficiency with custom styles, themes, templates, and building blocks
- Look up just the tasks and lessons you need
Microsoft Press