Exam Ref Az-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
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Focus on the expertise measured by these objectives:
- Describe cloud concepts
- Describe Azure architecture and services
- Describe Azure management and governance
This Microsoft Exam Ref:
- Organizes its coverage by exam objectives
- Features strategic, what-if scenarios to challenge you
- Assumes you want to show foundational knowledge of cloud services and their delivery with Microsoft Azure
About the Exam
Exam AZ-900 focuses on knowledge needed to describe cloud computing; the benefits of using cloud services; cloud service types; core Azure architectural components; Azure compute, networking, and storage services; Azure identity, access, and security; Azure cost management; Azure features and tools for governance and compliance, and for managing and deploying resources; and Azure monitoring tools.
About Microsoft Certification
Passing this exam fulfills your requirements for the Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals credential, validating your basic knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Azure. Whether you're new to the fi eld or a seasoned professional, demonstrating this knowledge can help you jump-start your career and prepare you to dive deeper into the many technical opportunities Azure offers.