Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology, Security, and Architecture

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, Technology, Security & Architecture

Cloud computing has become an integral and foundational part of information technology. The majority of digital business activity and technology innovation occurs with the involvement of contemporary cloud environments that provide highly sophisticated automated technology infrastructure and a vast range of technology resources. To successfully build upon, interact with, or create a cloud environment requires an understanding of its common inner mechanics, architectural layers, models, and security controls. It also requires an understanding of the business and economic factors that justify the adoption and real-world use of clouds and cloud-based products and services.

In Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology, Security & Architecture, Thomas Erl, one of the world's top-selling IT authors, teams up with cloud computing expert Eric Barceló Monroy and researchers to break down proven and mature cloud computing technologies and practices into a series of well-defined concepts, technology mechanisms, and technology architectures. Comprehensive coverage of containerization and cybersecurity topics is also included.

All chapters are carefully authored from an industry-centric and vendor-neutral point of view. In doing so, the book establishes concrete, academic coverage with a focus on structure, clarity, and well-defined building blocks for mainstream cloud computing and containerization platforms and solutions. With nearly 370 figures, 40 architectural models, and 50 mechanisms, this indispensable guide provides a comprehensive education of contemporary cloud computing, containerization, and cybersecurity that will never leave your side.
