Deploying Juniper Data Centers with Evpn Vxlan
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Deploying Juniper Data Centers with EVPN VXLAN is designed for engineers and architects designing, deploying, and/or maintaining small to large data centers. This book will increase productivity and streamline processing and communication by helping you understand BGP EVPN-based VXLAN, data center design and deployment using Junos, and interconnecting multiple data centers for various deployment applications. Aninda Chatterjee's straightforward prose and industry experience also gives you the foundational knowledge necessary for Juniper Data Center certification from the JNCIA-DC to the JNCIE-DC.
The book's structure is unique in its chapter-by-chapter approach with one-pager quick reference guides at the end of the book. The author also puts theory to practice using a combination of packet captures and packet walks.
- Learn to design, deploy, and maintain a data center using Junos OS and Junos Evolved.
- Understand how to troubleshoot BGP EVPN-based VXLAN.
- Maximize learning with with packet captures and packet walks.
- Build foundational knowledge for Juniper Data Center certification.
- Gain a deep understanding of data center design.