Comptia Network+ Guide to Networks, Loose-Leaf Version
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stry knowledge you need to begin an exciting career installing, configuring and troubleshooting computer networks with West's completely updated NETWORK+ GUIDE TO NETWORKS, 9E. This resource thoroughly prepares you for success on the latest CompTIA's Network+ N10-008 certification exam as content corresponds to all exam objectives, including protocols, topologies, hardware, network design, security and troubleshooting. Detailed, step-by-step instructions as well as cloud, virtualization and simulation projects give you experience working with a variety of hardware, software and operating systems as well as device interactions. Stories from professionals on the job, insightful discussion prompts, hands-on activities, applications and projects all guide you in exploring key concepts in-depth. You gain the problem-solving tools for any computing environment. MindTap digital resources are also available for additional practice and certification prep.
Cengage Learning