New Perspectives Collection, Microsoft 365 & Word 2021 Comprehensive
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Price: | $104.48 |
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2Using a unique in-depth, case-based approach, Cengage's NEW PERSPECTIVES COLLECTION, MICROSOFT 365 & WORD 2021 COMPREHENSIVE thoroughly prepares you for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification exam and success in your future career. As you apply Microsoft Office skills to real-world business scenarios based on Burning Glass market insights, you will sharpen your critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Professional skills, tips and insights incorporated throughout provide context and relevancy to real-world practice. The text also offers updated coverage of Microsoft 365 features as well as enhanced support for Mac users. In addition, MindTap and up-to-date SAM (Skills Assessment Manager) online resources provide interactive study tools to help maximize your study time -- and results.
Cengage Learning