AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Training Notes 2019: Fast-track your exam success with the ultimate cheat sheet for the CLF-C01 exam

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Preparing for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam - and looking for a way to fast-track your exam success?
Then these training notes for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam are for you.
- EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW Deep dive into the CLF-C01 exam objectives with 200 pages of detailed facts, tables and diagrams.
- ALWAYS UP TO DATE These key exam essentials reflect the latest CLF-C01 exam blueprint and are regularly updated.
- BONUS QUIZ QUESTIONS Review your knowledge at the end of each major chapter with 120 quiz questions.
- ONLINE PRACTICE TEST Simulate the real exam with 65 scored and timed practice questions in Digital Cloud Training's online learning environment.
- CLEAR LANGUAGE - Focused and to the point presented in an easy-to-read format
- GAIN THE EDGE ON EXAM DAY - Learn from AWS subject-matter experts with this essential exam cram
- SAVE VALUABLE TIME - Get straight to the facts you need to know to successfully pass your AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam first time.
AWS Solution Architect and successful IT instructor, Neal Davis, has consolidated ALL the information you need to pass the latest CLF-C01 exam into this essential cheat sheet. This is a great resource for diving deep into each AWS service covered on the AWS exam which saves you from needing to browse hundreds of AWS FAQ pages and sorting through stacks of irrelevant information.
The AWS Cloud Practitioner certification is a great first step into the world of Cloud Computing and requires a foundational knowledge of Amazon Web Services, its architectural principles, value proposition, billing and pricing and key services.
Based on the CLF-C01 exam blueprint, these Training Notes will shortcut your study time and maximize your chance of passing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam first time.
Please note that this document does not read like an instructional text. It provides a raw, point-to-point list of facts backed by tables and diagrams to help with understanding and retaining the facts you need to remember.
For easy navigation, the information on each AWS service in this document is organized into the same categories as they are in the AWS Management Console.
The scope of coverage of services, and what information is included for each service, is based on feedback from Digital Cloud Training's pool of over 40,000 students who have recently taken the AWS exam.
- 120 QUIZ QUESTIONS Review your knowledge and test your understanding with a total of 120 unique quiz questions. This way you can easily measure your learning progress.
- SIMULATE THE REAL EXAM Get FREE access to the online exam simulator from Digital Cloud Training to evaluate your exam readiness. The full-length Practice Tests with 65 UNIQUE questions is timed (90 mins) and scored (passing score is 70%) mimicking the real exam environment so you get familiar with the AWS exam format. Every question includes deep-dive reference links and detailed explanations that explain why each answer is correct or incorrect