Learning Microsoft Azure: Cloud Computing and Development Fundamentals
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Author and Microsoft MVP Jonah Carrio Andersson guides you through cloud computing concepts and deployment models, the wide range of modern cloud technologies, application development with Azure, team collaboration services, security services, and cloud migration options in Microsoft Azure.
You'll gain insight into the Microsoft Azure cloud services that you can apply in different business use cases, software development projects, and modern solutions in the cloud. You'll also become fluent with Azure cloud migration services, serverless computing technologies that help your development team work productively, Azure IoT, and Azure cognitive services that make your application smarter. This book also provides real-world advice and best practices based on the author's own Azure migration experience.
- Gain insight into which Azure cloud service best suits your company's particular needs
- Understand how to use Azure for different use cases and specific technical requirements
- Start developing cloud services, applications, and solutions in the Azure environment
- Learn how to migrate existing legacy applications to Microsoft Azure