Building Multi-Tenant Saas Architectures: Principles, Practices, and Patterns Using AWS

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n the path to becoming the de facto model for building, delivering, and operating software solutions. Adopting a multi-tenant SaaS model requires builders to take on a broad range of new architecture, implementation, and operational challenges. How data is partitioned, how resources are isolated, how tenants are authenticated, how microservices are built--these are just a few of the many areas that need to be on your radar when you're designing and creating SaaS offerings.

In this book, Tod Golding, a global SaaS technical lead at AWS, provides an end-to-end view of the SaaS architectural landscape, outlining the practical techniques, strategies, and patterns that every architect must navigate as part of building a SaaS environment.

  • Describe, classify, and characterize core SaaS patterns and strategies
  • Identify the key building blocks, trade-offs, and considerations that will shape the design and implementation of your multi-tenant solution
  • Examine essential multi-tenant architecture strategies, including tenant isolation, noisy neighbor, data partitioning, onboarding, identity, and multi-tenant DevOps
  • Explore how multi-tenancy influences the design and implementation of microservices
  • Learn how multi-tenancy shapes the operational footprint of your SaaS environment
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