Capm Certified Associate in Project Management Practice Exams

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Don't Let the Real Test Be Your First Test!
Take the 2018 version of the challenging CAPM exam with confidence using this highly effective, exam-focused study resource. CAPM(R) Certified Associate in Project Management Practice Exams contains more than 1000 practice questions and is fully aligned with the Project Management Body of Knowledge(R) Guide, Sixth Edition. All questions simulate those on the live test in content, style, tone, and difficulty. To facilitate retention, every question is accompanied by in-depth explanations for both correct and incorrect answers. Covers all 58 learning objectives for the CAPM exam, including: - Project integration management
- Project scope management
- Project schedule management
- Project cost management
- Project quality management
- Project resource management
- Project communications management
- Project risk management
- Project procurement management
- Project stakeholder management Digital content includes: - Test engine that provides full-length practice exams or customized quizzes by chapter or by exam domain
- 600 practice exam questions
Don't Let the Real Test Be Your First Test!
Take the 2018 version of the challenging CAPM exam with confidence using this highly effective, exam-focused study resource. CAPM(R) Certified Associate in Project Management Practice Exams contains more than 1000 practice questions and is fully aligned with the Project Management Body of Knowledge(R) Guide, Sixth Edition. All questions simulate those on the live test in content, style, tone, and difficulty. To facilitate retention, every question is accompanied by in-depth explanations for both correct and incorrect answers. Covers all 58 learning objectives for the CAPM exam, including: - Project integration management
- Project scope management
- Project schedule management
- Project cost management
- Project quality management
- Project resource management
- Project communications management
- Project risk management
- Project procurement management
- Project stakeholder management Digital content includes: - Test engine that provides full-length practice exams or customized quizzes by chapter or by exam domain
- 600 practice exam questions
McGraw-Hill Education