Cct/CCNA Routing and Switching All-In-One Exam Guide (Exams 100-490 & 200-301)

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Advance your career by preparing for Cisco's CCT and CCNA exams using this new All-in-One Exam Guide
Take the Cisco Certified Technician (CCT) and Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) exams with complete confidence using the detailed information contained in this highly effective self-study system. Written by a pair of Cisco networking professionals and training experts, CCT(R)/CCNA(R) Routing and Switching All-in-One Exam Guide (Exams 100-490 & 200-301) fully explains all subjects covered on both exams and contains lab exercises as well as practice questions that mirror those on the live test in tone, format, and content. Beyond fully preparing you for the challenging exam, the book also serves as a valuable on-the-job reference.
Online content (with free registration) includes:
- Online practice exams for both CCT and CCNA with hundreds of realistic questions and in-depth answer explanations
- 4+ hours of video training from author Glen Clarke
- PDF with 47 lab exercises with in-depth solutions from the book
- PDF Glossary
Covers all topics on both exams, including:
- Network fundamentals
- OSI model
- TCP/IP protocol suite
- Subnetting and VLSM
- Cisco device and IOS basics
- Cisco device management
- Switching
- Static and dynamic routing
- IP services and IPv6
- Wireless
- Security fundamentals
- Implementing security on Cisco devices
- Automation and programmability Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.