Linux Fundamentals
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0The Linux world is constantly changing, requiring new knowledge and skills to work as a Linux system administrator. Linux Fundamentals, Second Edition not only updates the first edition with new material, but also changes the book's focus a bit, from a basic approach to Linux to a more advanced server-oriented look at using Linux. While the first edition tracked the skills needed to meet the LPI Linux Fundamentals exam requirements, this edition tracks the more advanced CompTIA Linux+ exam requirements. The Second Edition provides a soft, accessible, and practical introduction to Linux environments and command line basics. The addition of new virtual labs will also empower students to apply theory in hands-on exercises in real time. This edition dives deeper into the Linux server environment, covering the commands you are expected to know for the Linux+ exam. The updated chapters provide expanded coverage on how to manage users, files, devices, and filesystems in a multi-user networked server environment.
Jones & Bartlett Publishers