Building DIY Websites for Dummies

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hat draws in visitors - no coding required!

There's more to building a website than just picking a theme and dropping in text and images. Creating a site that attracts visitors and turns those visitors into customers requires some professional insight and a few tips and tricks. Building DIY Websites For Dummies guides non-designers through the steps of creating an attractive and effective website using today's top web-based tools. This book helps you launch or improve your website designed to boost your entrepreneurial endeavors, small business, or personal passion. With this easy-to-follow Dummies guide, you can skip learning the complicated coding that runs a site and focus on the parts that attract visitors (and search engines). Grab this book and get expert insight on how to craft a usable design, create site content, improve site findability, and convert browsers into buyers.

  • Discover how to select hosting services, email providers, and beginner-friendly website creators
  • Build your own website without needing to learn any code
  • Learn how to create an attractive design, develop content, and present it all in a way that will appeal to your target audience
  • Improve your site's search engine findability and resonate with your target customer

This Dummies guide is an excellent choice for non-designers who want to create a website without hiring someone to do it for them. Learn the ropes, follow the best practices, and launch your site!

For Dummies