CSS - Cascading Style Sheets: A Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide

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building stylized and responsive web designs with succinct descriptions of functions followed by example code. With core elements easily accessible in six laminated pages, beginners have a starting point and pros have a quick reference to double check CSS foundations. Author Robin Nixon worked with computers in the 80s and started developing websites in the 90s becoming an expert and writing over 40 programming books and over 500 articles for top computer magazines. With his expertise in the field and writing to his audience within our famous QuickStudy format, this reference has more quality actionable facts per page than any book or website. Whether you need a handy reference as a pro or student, this inexpensive desktop tool is a best-seller and proven to help.
6 page laminated guide includes:
6 page laminated guide includes:
- CSS Key Features & Modules
- Animations
- Key Frames & Properties
- Creating an Animation
- Attribute Selectors
- Operator Types
- Backgrounds
- Color, Image, Repeat, Size, Position, Attachment
- Borders
- Width, Style, Color
- Radius
- Image
- Gradients
- Box Model
- Sizing
- Shadows
- Overflow
- User Resizing
- Outlining Focus
- Columns
- Colors
- Red, Green, Blue (RGB)
- Hue, Saturation, Luminance (HSL)
- Opacity
- Linear Gradients
- Color Stops
- Radial & Conic Gradients
- CSS Grid
- Container, Columns & Rows
- Flow, Placing Grid Items
- Gaps, Alignment
- Custom Properties
- Flexbox Layout
- Items, Direction
- Justify Content
- Align Items, Content
- Resizing Items
- Flex Wrap
- Order
- Media Queries
- Text & Fonts
- First Letter & Line
- Text Overflow, Word Breaks
- Text Shadows
- Web Fonts, Font Files
- 2d Transformations
- Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Skewing
- Matrices
- 3d Transformations
- Translation, Scaling, Rotation
- Backface Visibility
- Transitions
Quickstudy Reference Guides