Internet Password Keeper

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, and more all together in this one perfect logbook, which also features important tips from an internet security expert on keeping your data safe.

These days we have so much data to remember, we need one handy place to keep track of it all--and this easy-to-use logbook with tabbed A to Z pages is the perfect solution. It includes space to list usernames, passwords, security answers, web addresses, and extra notes, and features an introduction from internet technology and security expert Eric Butow on how to create the strongest passwords, keep your online data safe, and more. In addition, it has a removable, horizontal, wrap-around belly band with the title; when you take the belly band off, the book case itself is unprinted, making it discreet. A section in the back includes space to track other important information, including e-mail addresses and passwords, and modem and router model and serial numbers.
