Getting Started with P5.Js: Making Interactive Graphics in JavaScript and Processing

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entire Web browser as your canvas for sketching with code!
Learn programming the fun way--by sketching with interactive computer graphics! Getting Started with p5.js contains techniques that can be applied to creating games, animations, and interfaces. p5.js is a new interpretation of Processing written in JavaScript that makes it easy to interact with HTML5 objects, including text, input, video, webcam, and sound. Like its older sibling Processing, p5.js makes coding accessible for artists, designers, educators, and beginners.
Written by the lead p5.js developer and the founders of Processing, this book provides an introduction to the creative possibilities of today's Web, using JavaScript and HTML.
With Getting Started with p5.js, you'll:
- Quickly learn programming basics, from variables to objects
- Understand the fundamentals of computer graphics
- Create interactive graphics with easy-to-follow projects
- Learn to apply data visualization techniques
- Capture and manipulate webcam audio and video feeds in the browser
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