How to Start and Grow a Successful Podcast: Tips, Techniques and True Stories from Podcasting Pioneers

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The only guide you need to build a podcast from scratch with tips, techniques and stories from the pioneers of podcasting, by expert and early adopter Gilly Smith.

From This American Life's Ira Glass and George the Poet to the teams behind My Dad Wrote a Porno and Table Manners with Jessie Ware, this practical book is packed full of exclusive, behind-the-scenes advice and informative, inspiring stories that will teach you how to tell the greatest stories in the world.

This is a comprehensive yet accessible and warmly written book for creatives who are striving to understand how their content could be successfully turned into a podcast, from conception through to execution, distribution, marketing and monetising. It covers:
- Recognising who your show is for, deciding what it is about and where to find inspiration.
- Deciding on the format and working on structure and script.
- Hosting, casting and interview techniques.
- Production expertise - from equipment you'll need to editorial tips and determining the ideal length of your show.
- Distribution - deciding on a release schedule, show art, metadata and how to distribute.
- Growing your podcast - promotion and building community among fans.

With original material throughout, case studies from podcasters across genres and a companion podcast featuring interviews with the pioneers, this is a first in guides to podcasting.

Robinson Press