Iot Projects with Nvidia Jetson Nano: Ai-Enabled Internet of Things Projects for Beginners

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Chapter 1: Introduction to NVIDIA Jetson Nano

Chapter goal: to introduce NVIDIA Jetson Nano hardware and software1.1 Introduction1.2 NVIDIA Jetson Nano Hardware Specification1.3 What can we do with NVIDIA Jetson Nano
Chapter 2: Setting Up and RunningChapter goal: to set up and run NVIDIA Jetson Nano2.1 Introduction2.2 Hardware Preparation2.3 Set up Software2.4 Run NVIDIA Jetson Nano2.5 Configure NVIDIA Jetson Nano Software2.6 Reboot and Shutdown
Chapter 3: Administering NVIDIA Jetson NanoChapter goal: to administer NVIDIA Jetson Nano3.1 Introduction3.2 Managing Users3.3 Desktop Personalization3.4 Working with Terminal3.7 NVIDIA Jetson Nano Linux Command3.8 Networking3.9 Attaching a Network Module3.10 Connecting to a Network3.10.1 Connecting a Network via Ethernet3.10.2 Connecting a Network via WiFi with3.10.3 Connecting a Network via WiFi USB Dongle3.11 Browsing Internet3.12 SSH3.13 Access Remote Files over SFTP3.14 Update Package Repository3.15 Remote Desktop
Chapter 4: NVIDIA Jetson Nano ProgrammingChapter goal: to develop programs on NVIDIA Jetson Nano4.1 Introduction4.2 Python4.3 C/C++4.4 Node.js4.5 Web Application with PHP
Chapter 5: NVIDIA Jetson Nano I/O ProgrammingChapter goal: to develop programs to access NVIDIA Jetson Nano I/O5.1 Introduction5.2 Accessing GPIO5.3 Sensor Programming5.4 Actuator Programming
Chapter 6: NVIDIA Jetson Nano CamereChapter goal: to work with camera on NVIDIA Jetson Nano board6.1 Introduction6.2 Camera Interfaces and Modules6.3 Set Up Camera Module6.4 Take Picture6.5 Record Video
Chapter 7: Deep Learning ComputationChapter goal: to build Deep Learning programs on NVIDIA Jetson Nano I/O7.1 Introduction7.2 A Brief Deploying Deep Review 7.3 Jetson Inference7.4 Data Classification7.5 Data Regression