Java 17 for Absolute Beginners: Learn the Fundamentals of Java Programming

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6Chapter 1: An Introduction to Java- When every version was released, how were they called and what were the particularities- What is Java, how it is executed, what type of language it is and what is it good for- Chapter 2: Preparing your development environment- Installing Java, choosing an editor, choosing a build tool- Chapter 3: Getting your feet wet- Writing a simple program, compile and execute- Adding a dependency of somebody else's code through dependencies of existing libraries- Mention best tools for java and most used frameworks like Spring
Chapter 4: Java syntax- what is a package, module- class- enums- interface ( private methods & default methods)- class, constructor, methods... etc- removal of _ Chapter 5: Data Types- primitive, object types (emphasis on String, Collections, Calendar API)- String - compact Strings- Collections: Immutable collections, factory methods for Collections(JEP 269)- mention Generics- optional - enhancements - threads, futures - CompletableFuture (JEP 266)
Chapter 6: Operators- unary, binary, ternary, logic, and the diamond operator (used in conjunction with anonymous inner classes)
Chapter 7: Controlling the flow - if, loops- try catch (try with resources with managed variables)- recursion
Chapter 8: The Stream API - streams, optional to Stream, enhancements
Chapter 9: Debugging, testing and documenting- what is a break point- loggers: unified JVM logging (JEP 264)- mocks and stubs- jmc, jps, jcmd - JDK utilities- The new Doclet API- the JShell Command Line Tool- accessing the process API- @Deprecated enhancements (JEP 277)
Chapter 10: Making your application interactive- request data with Swing- Web applications (use the new HTTP client)- JavaFX UI (JEP 253)- Internationalization (JEP 267)
Chapter 11: Writing files- storing data to files, reading it from them- serialization to Binary, XML, JSON, YML (JEP290)- playing with images - multi-resolution API
Chapter 12: Publish-Subscribe Framework- reactive streams
Chapter 13: Garbage Collection- JEP 214,248,271,291
Chapter 4: Java syntax- what is a package, module- class- enums- interface ( private methods & default methods)- class, constructor, methods... etc- removal of _ Chapter 5: Data Types- primitive, object types (emphasis on String, Collections, Calendar API)- String - compact Strings- Collections: Immutable collections, factory methods for Collections(JEP 269)- mention Generics- optional - enhancements - threads, futures - CompletableFuture (JEP 266)
Chapter 6: Operators- unary, binary, ternary, logic, and the diamond operator (used in conjunction with anonymous inner classes)
Chapter 7: Controlling the flow - if, loops- try catch (try with resources with managed variables)- recursion
Chapter 8: The Stream API - streams, optional to Stream, enhancements
Chapter 9: Debugging, testing and documenting- what is a break point- loggers: unified JVM logging (JEP 264)- mocks and stubs- jmc, jps, jcmd - JDK utilities- The new Doclet API- the JShell Command Line Tool- accessing the process API- @Deprecated enhancements (JEP 277)
Chapter 10: Making your application interactive- request data with Swing- Web applications (use the new HTTP client)- JavaFX UI (JEP 253)- Internationalization (JEP 267)
Chapter 11: Writing files- storing data to files, reading it from them- serialization to Binary, XML, JSON, YML (JEP290)- playing with images - multi-resolution API
Chapter 12: Publish-Subscribe Framework- reactive streams
Chapter 13: Garbage Collection- JEP 214,248,271,291