React: The Comprehensive Guide
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user interfaces faster and easier than ever. Learn how to get the most out of the library with this comprehensive guide! Start with the basics: what React is and how it works. Then follow practical code examples to build an application, from styling with CSS to maximizing app performance. Whether you're new to JavaScript or you're an advanced developer, you'll find everything you need to build your frontend with React!
Highlights include:
1) Class components
2) Hook APIs
3) Type safety and TypeScript
4) CSS and inline styling
5) Testing and security
6) Forms
7) Component libraries
8) Application navigation
9) Redux
10) GraphQL and Apollo
11) Next.js
12) Progressive web apps
Highlights include:
1) Class components
2) Hook APIs
3) Type safety and TypeScript
4) CSS and inline styling
5) Testing and security
6) Forms
7) Component libraries
8) Application navigation
9) Redux
10) GraphQL and Apollo
11) Next.js
12) Progressive web apps
SAP Press