Rapid Agile Business System Analysis: Fast, Agile, Measurable Results

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twenty years of experience, or a new analyst - and whether your projects are short two-week efforts or multi-million dollar corporate initiatives - the Event-based analysis approach covered in this book is for you. This book is about "agile" business system analysis; and how to create a modern, useful business requirements specification really fast, without the tedious constraints of the past, and without the risk often associated with the term "agile". "Agile" business system analysis is about how to find the exact, specific questions to ask your clients and users (subject-matter experts) - in the specific context of your project - and a way of doing the highest quality analysis in the fastest way possible, without chaos. It's about business-based analysis suitable to building the complex integrated systems for the 21st century. It's about you, and how to find and specify the business requirements for a project successfully. And fast. This book is not a a silver bullet nor is it a magic wand to wave over troubled legacy systems. This is a book about getting the business requirements for a system specified fast and right the very first time - without engaging in an archaeological dig that takes forever. "So, is this more of the Same Old Stuff," you might ask, "but with different packaging?" No, this is not more of the Same Old Stuff (with - you guessed it - the Same Old Results). But, find out for yourself. Try the event-based analysis approach described in this book - you'll never look back. Admittedly, "agile" means a lot of different things to different people. There will be some who seek instant answers and instant tools. But the only tools that count in the area of business system analysis is your ability to ask the right questions of your subject-matter experts (clients and users), in the context of your specific project, and to properly document their responses - but without taking forever. This book will show you how to do it - with precision and accuracy.
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