Revolutionary Algorithms: A Tiktok Manifesto
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, a critical look at the controversial app and its effect on cultural heritage, artificial intelligence, community organizing, and digital censorship. In Revolutionary Algorithms, Torey Akers approaches TikTok with a deep understanding of the app, as both a prolific creator and consumer of its content. In these essays, she interrogates how the TikTok ban and the multiple genocides happening around the world are deeply intertwined; how the app can empower creators, amplify social movements, and document abuses of power. She addresses the good, bad, and sometimes uncanny parts of maneuvering and communicating in a digital space. As a new era of social media looms, Akers makes the case for techno-progressivism, looking toward a future where TikTok continues to connect, inspire, and create space for more intersectionality, equity, and joy.
Grand Central Publishing