Cult of the Dead Cow: How the Original Hacking Supergroup Might Just Save the World

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elite secret society of hackers fighting to protect our freedom - "a hugely important piece of the puzzle for anyone who wants to understand the forces shaping the internet age." (New York Times Book Review)

Cult of the Dead Cow is the tale of the oldest active, most respected, and most famous American hacking group of all time. With its origins in the earliest days of the internet, the cDc is full of oddball characters - activists, artists, and musicians - some of whom went on to advise presidents, cabinet members, and CEOs, and who now walk the corridors of power in Washington and Silicon Valley.

Today, the group and its followers are battling electoral misinformation, making personal data safer, and organizing to keep technology a force for good instead of for surveillance and oppression. Cult of the Dead Cow describes how, at a time when governments, corporations, and criminals hold immense power, a small band of tech iconoclasts is on our side fighting back.
