The Ridiculously Simple Guide to MacBook Pro With Touch Bar: A Practical Guide to Getting Started With the Next Generation of MacBook Pro and MacOS Mo
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MacBook Pro is like every other MacBook except for two key differences. One: Power. Two: Touch Bar.
If you have purchased the notebook or are just curious about seeing more about what Mac OS can do for you, then you'll see it in this book.
This book is intended for people who want to get started quickly with the MacBook Pro (this book can also help you with other non-Pro MacBooks and iMacs--the only difference is a section on Touch Bar). For that reason, it's not as comprehensive as other guides. If you want to know about some feature buried deep under the hood that you'll never use, then there are other books for you--I'm sure they'll make good doorstops when you finish. If you just want a simple guide that tells you what you need to know, so you can use your computer already, then this book is for you. If you're new to Mac--perhaps switching over from Windows, then this book will help you figure out all the similarities and differences; because so many people come to Mac from Windows, this book is written in a way to help with that transition.
I purposely have done my best to make this handbook a little more casual and fun then what you expect from most Mac OS manuals. Mac OS is an operating system, and any guide you read should be an equally fun read.
Each chapter starts with bullet points on what will be covered, so if something you already know, you can skip right ahead; if you only need to know how to use new features, the book is also formatted in a way that these stand out.
Are you ready to start enjoying the new MacBook Pro? Then let's get started