Web & UX Design: An Accidental Encyclopedia
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7Web and UX Design: An Accidental Encyclopedia. Updated 2020 26 websites deconstructed to show you the value of good UX, and the problems (and loss of income) a bad UX can create. Is your website a great User Experience and has a cutting edge design?
This book shows you, by example, the different approaches the major websites have to Web Design and User Experience.
Need to keep up with the changing face of web design? Need to see what the competition is doing well (and doing badly)? Is your own website a great User Experience? Worried that your developer is using jargon to overcharge you, or your designer is phoning in a design instead of giving value for money? Does your website give you ROI - a return on investment? Are you building a website for a business and need to keep it S.S.C.C Simple, structured, clear and concise? It includes:
HTML versus CMS
An overview of how people (personas) interact with your site
How to go about designing a great site from start to finish
The importance of error messages
An overview of user interface elements
26 major websites deconstructed to their basic Design and UX elements.
Responsive Design
A dictionary of jargon Shows by example the UX mantra - S.S.C.C. - Simple, Structured, Clarity and Consistent. Check out the many professional websites deconstructed in this book, and see if your website is A Great User Experience
This book shows you, by example, the different approaches the major websites have to Web Design and User Experience.
Need to keep up with the changing face of web design? Need to see what the competition is doing well (and doing badly)? Is your own website a great User Experience? Worried that your developer is using jargon to overcharge you, or your designer is phoning in a design instead of giving value for money? Does your website give you ROI - a return on investment? Are you building a website for a business and need to keep it S.S.C.C Simple, structured, clear and concise? It includes:
HTML versus CMS
An overview of how people (personas) interact with your site
How to go about designing a great site from start to finish
The importance of error messages
An overview of user interface elements
26 major websites deconstructed to their basic Design and UX elements.
Responsive Design
A dictionary of jargon Shows by example the UX mantra - S.S.C.C. - Simple, Structured, Clarity and Consistent. Check out the many professional websites deconstructed in this book, and see if your website is A Great User Experience
Independently Published