Windows 10, Essentials for Administration, Professional Reference, 2nd Edition
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Practical and precise, this hands-on guide with ready answers is designed for architects, administrators, engineers and others working with Windows 10. If you're an IT Pro responsible for configuring, managing and maintaining computers running Windows 10, start with this well-organized and authoritative resource.
Inside you'll find expert insights, tips, tricks and workarounds that will save time and help you get the job done by giving you the right information right now. During the course of reading this book, you will master a number of complex topics, techniques, commands and functions.
Topics covered include:
Deploying and customizing the operating system
Installing and maintaining universal apps
Configuring Group Policy preferences and settings
Provisioning and using device management
Managing access and security
Installing hardware devices and drivers
Troubleshooting and resolving system issues
And much, much more!!!
Not only will this informative training manual help you become familiar with essential concepts, it'll help you reach new levels of mastery. This is the ideal concise, immediate answers reference you'll want with you at all times.
William Stanek has been developing expert solutions for and writing professionally about Microsoft Windows since 1995. In Windows 10: Essentials for Administration, William shares his extensive knowledge of the product.