WTF Is My Password: Username and Internet Password Keeper: Pink Stripes Floral Frame
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Tired of forgetting Passwords all the time? Or even worse, are you guilty of using the same easy to remember password on more than one website?
Then we have the answer for you! We can help keep you or your loved ones safe with our line of hack-proof Internet Password Organizers! You can't be safe enough when using the internet or shopping online! Laid out alphabetically, you can quickly access even the most complex password, ensuring that you keep yourself and your family safe. Internet Password Organizers also make great thoughtful gifts for friends and family.
Hack-proof Features Include:
- Store login details for hundreds of websites
- Alphabetically organized with letter tabs at the top of each page
- Fields for (Website, Username, Email Used, Password, and Notes)
- Small 5 x 8 inch size. Easy to slip into a tote or handbag
- Soft bound, carefully designed matte cover
Click the Buy Now button to get your Internet Password Organizer now and Stay Safe online!
Independently Published