Blender 2.8: The beginner's guide
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3Blender 2.8: The beginner's guideDo you want to start creating 3D models and animations using free and open-source software? With Blender, you have the freedom to use a tool that will help you put your creativity to work for multiple formats.The release of version 2.8 marks an important milestone for Blender because it introduces a revamped and friendly user interface alongside incredible tools. You will find options to create 3D models for characters, design, architecture, and games.With Blender 2.8: The beginner's guide, you will find a quick reference and detailed explanations about the essential tools and options. You will learn core concepts about: - User interface- 3D navigation- Modeling and editing- Modeling tools and options- Interactive shading options- Materials and textures- Use PBR materials with Cycles and Eevee- Working with the camera- Rendering with Eevee and Cycles- Making and exporting still images- Animation and interpolation- Animation constraints- Use the follow path for animation- Animation tools and rendering- Rendering animations as videosThe book uses a practical approach with examples for all topics and step by step instructions on how to do "difficult" tasks like animations with hierarchies and constraints. And also how to set up a scene for render with Cycles and Eevee.All content from Blender 2.8: The beginner's guide will take into consideration a reader that doesn't have any prior experience with Blender. You will find content focused on beginners.However, it doesn't mean an artist with previous experience in older versions of Blender could not use the book as an updated guide.If you want a fast and quick way to jumpstart using Blender 2.8 for your projects, the beginner's guide will help you achieve your goals.
Independently Published