Devops for the Desperate: A Hands-On Survival Guide
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9DevOps for the Desperate is a hands-on, no-nonsense guide for those who land in a DevOps environment and need to get up and running quickly. This book introduces fundamental concepts software developers need to know to flourish in a modern DevOps environment including infrastructure as code, configuration management, security, containerization and orchestration, monitoring and alerting, and troubleshooting. Readers will follow along with hands-on examples to learn how to tackle common DevOps tasks. The book begins with an exploration of DevOps concepts using Vagrant and Ansible to build systems with repeatable and predictable states, including configuring a host with user-based security. Next up is a crash course on containerization, orchestration, and delivery using Docker, Kubernetes, and a CI/CDpipeline. The book concludes with a primer in monitoring and alerting with tips for troubleshootingcommon host and application issues. You'll learn how to:
Use Ansible to manage users and groups, and enforce complex passwords Create a security policy for administrative permissions, and automate a host-based firewall Get started with Docker to containerize applications, use Kubernetes for orchestration, and deploycode using a CI/CD pipeline Build a monitoring stack, investigate common metric patterns, and trigger alerts Troubleshoot and analyze common issues and errors found on hosts
No Starch Press