Security+ Practice Tests: Prepare for the SY0-501 Exam with CertMike
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The CertMike Security+Ⓡ Practice Tests provide you a rigorous set of over 750 practice test questions designed to be similar to those that you'll face on the actual exam.
Inside the book, you'll find over 750 practice test questions that assess your knowledge of the material covered by the current SY0-501 exam. Each question includes a detailed explanation to help you understand the thought process behind each correct answer. You'll find an entire chapter of questions dedicated to each of the six Security+Ⓡ exam objectives:
- Threats, Attacks and Vulnerabilities
- Technologies and Tools
- Architecture and Design
- Identity and Access Management
- Risk Management
- Cryptography and PKI
The book concludes with two full-length Security+ practice exams designed to prepare you for exam day.
Readers of this book also become part of the exam preparation community, including free access to the CertMike Security+ Study Group.
About the Author
Mike Chapple, Ph.D., Security+, CISSP, CySA+, PenTest+, CISM is one of the world's leading experts on cybersecurity certifications. He's the author of over 25 books covering a variety of cybersecurity exams and has created over 40 video courses on LinkedIn Learning and that prepare technology professionals for popular security certifications. Mike also runs the website which offers free study groups for major certifications.