Artificial Intelligence: 4 books in 1: AI For Beginners + AI For Business + Machine Learning For Beginners + Machine Learning And Artificial In
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What comes to your mind when you hear the word, artificial intelligence (AI)? Perhaps, you think of a science fiction film by the likes of Orson Scott Card or other famous authors. Maybe you're thinking of Disney's Transformers or Wall-E. The Disneyization of AI made it seem like it was a world of pure fantasy that exists only in the human imagination. However, the reality is that we are not far from using AI in everyday life. Our use of AI continues to increase over the years. As we use Amazon, streaming music devices and other AI that predict our choices, we realize that machines and technology are starting to permeate every aspect of our existence.
Basically, artificial intelligence is totally changing our lives and this is the time to be ready for this technological revolution and make the most of it.
This bundle contains the following books:
- Artificial Intelligence for beginners: You will learn a modern approach to artificial intelligence, the basics of AI and how to put it into practice in your everyday life.
- Artificial Intelligence for business: You will find helpful and concise chapters on AI topics, which can be applied to the business. The chapters draw upon real-life experiences and sources that can help you to grow your business.
- Machine Learning for beginners: You will understand what machine learning is, how it works and how is correlated to artificial intelligence and deep learning
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: In this final part you will find a broad overview of these technologies and the answers to the most frequently asked questions: will artificial intelligence change our privacy? Is artificial intelligence dangerous? Will humans and Artificial Intelligence live together in the future?
This 4 books in 1 bundle is all you need to discover the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning!!
What are you waiting for? Buy now and get your copy!