Wireshark 101: Essential Skills for Network Analysis
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ular network analyzer tool with over 1 million downloads per month. As the Founder of Wireshark University, Laura Chappell is undoubtedly one of the best Wireshark instructors around.
In this updated book, Laura offers step-by-step instructions on the key functions and features of Wireshark, including:
- Filter on addresses, protocols, fields or traffic characteristics
- Create custom columns for more efficient analysis
- Find the source of delays with filters and coloring rules
- Perform unattended captures with auto-stop conditions
- Filter on keywords using wildcards and regular expressions
- Graph and compare user, subnet and application traffic
- Reassemble and extract a file from captured traffic
- Identify DNS and HTTP errors fast
- Export important packet details to .csv format
- ...and more
This book includes 46 step-by-step Labs to quickly bring you up to speed with Wireshark version 2 regardless of whether you are a newbie or already working with Wireshark today!
Laura Chappell University