Pearson BTEC Level 3 in Information Technology: Unit 1

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The book is divided into six sections corresponding to the six Learning Aims outlined in the specification, complementing each of the PG Online teaching resource packs. These sections are divided into between four and eight chapters, each containing material that can be covered in one or two lessons. The chapters have in-text questions which can be used as discussion points in a lesson. An extra chapter at the end of Learning Aim B on "Drawing System Diagrams" will be useful for students faced with a question on the exam for which they are required to draw such a diagram.
In addition to almost 100 in-text questions and discussion points, there are over 80 end-of-chapter exercises that are designed to give practice in answering exam-style questions, using command words such as state, describe, explain, analyse. As much practice as possible is needed in answering such questions and getting feedback from the teacher so as to understand how to gain the maximum possible marks in the final exam.