Digital Signal Processing using Arm Cortex-M based Microcontrollers: Theory and Practice
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This textbook introduces readers to digital signal processing fundamentals using low-cost, high-performance Arm Cortex-M based microcontrollers as demonstrator platforms. It covers foundational concepts, principles and techniques in digital signal processing, such as signals and systems, sampling, reconstruction and anti-aliasing, FIR and IIR filter design, transforms, and adaptive signal processing. Key features include a set of hands-on labs that highlight the practical side of digital signal processing, end of chapter exercises that reinforce the theoretical concepts presented, with answers available online, and online instructor resources.
The textbook is suitable for use in ECE, EE and CS university departments. The labs in this textbook edition target the low-cost Arm Cortex-M4-based STM32F4 Discovery microcontroller board.