Simple SysML for Beginners: Using Sparx Enterprise Architect

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Simple SysML for Beginners: Using Sparx Enterprise Architect is for beginners. The book assumes that you have just purchased a copy of Enterprise Architect and are anxious to get started, but otherwise don't know too much about SysML and don't have much experience using Enterprise Architect or any other similar tool. There are several good books on the market about SysML. However, these books show only finished diagrams. They don't cover the steps needed to construct the models and the diagrams. These steps can be remarkably complicated; the sequence of steps needed to construct the underlying model for a diagram is often less than obvious when using a real SysML tool. The purpose of this book is to help you get through the initial learning curve and get you on your way to becoming proficient at SysML modeling.
ENTERPRISE ARCHITECT is a trademark of Sparx Systems Pty Ltd.
- quick start with the tool
- simple SysML modeling examples
- 50+ example models
- 400+ annotated screen captures
- solid foundation for further study
- Requirements Engineering - This book is not an exhaustive text on requirements engineering. However, the "Further Reading" appendix does list a number of excellent books for deeper understanding of this topic.
- Tool Version - The first edition of this book was authored primarily on Enterprise Architect version 14. There are minor differences in the procedures for later versions of the tool.
- Tool Manual - This is a beginner's introduction and is not a comprehensive reference for every feature of the tool.