Webbly: Password Diary & Internet Address Book - Store 392 Records (With Sections to Record Computer, Internet and Data Record
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Price: | $3.24 |
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1Webbly is a password address book you can use to store all your Internet passwords in one place. You can also use the book as an Internet address book to log the websites you frequent. There's room for 392 Internet addresses, organized alphabetically, as well as space at the back to record your Internet and Computer records, such as your computer serial numbers and wifi passwords.
This journal features:
- 112 pages (56 sheets)
- 392 Internet addresses (alphabetized)
- 5.25 x 8 inches
- 60 pound (90 gsm) white-colored paper
- Perfect bound matte softcover (10 pt stock)
Ten percent of book sales go towards enabling youth in developing countries to access better educational opportunities. This money is being donated to Build to Learn, an initiative started by The Mindful Word.
Mindful Word