AutoCAD 2019 For Beginners

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AutoCAD 2019 For Beginners makes it easy to learn drafting in AutoCAD. Using easy, real-world examples, you will master the basics of this leading CAD software by following step by step instructions. Each topic starts with a brief explanation, and then launches into the example that gives you a direct experience and a good start. You'll learn the basics of drawing, editing, dimensioning, printing, and 3D modeling as you create the examples given in this book. Whether you are a beginner or trying to upgrade your skills, this step-by-step guide provides a solid base in design and drafting.

- Create basic drawings with drawing tools

- Create and edit complex drawings with the modify tools

- Add dimensions and annotations to drawings

- Prepare your drawing for printing

- Create and edit 3D models

- Learn to create Architectural floor plan

If you want to learn AutoCAD quickly and easily, AutoCAD 2019 For Beginners gets you started today.
