iPhone 12, iPhone Pro and iPhone Pro Max User Guide: The Complete Beginners and Seniors Manual to Master iPhone 12 and iOS 14
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Although it was a bit later than usual, the Apple iPhone 12 series landed in October. The newest iteration of the smartphone series features four new iPhones across a range of prices. As such, Apple has designed its new lineup to reach a wide array of customers with different needs and budgets.
The phones are meant to tempt users new and advanced with a bevy of new features.
These are some of the most exciting new iPhones we've seen from Apple in years.
The headline feature this year, is all phones come with 5G, for improved mobile data download and upload speeds in areas with sufficient 5G antennas.
Learn how to use these cutting-edge smartphones at their full potential could be really difficult at the beginning, especially if you're a new iPhone user.
Here's what you're going to find inside:
- iPhone 11 vs iPhone 12 comparison
- What is new in iOS14
- How to manage all the principal apps like Face Time, Safari, Maps and major features like notifications, privacy and sounds
- How to use the 6 Apple services
- Maintain and protect your phone
- Using AirPods with iPhone 12
...and much more
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