python programming for beginners: The simplified beginner's guide to learn basics Python computer language, coding project, data science, data analyti

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Python is a powerful programming language, serving a large number of purposes. Python is a very simple programming language, with easy syntax. It is a free and open-source programming language and it is a very good programming language for beginners, especially for those who are interested to learn computer programming for the very first time. The most convenient part about the language is that it can run on a variety of platforms like Windows, Linux and macOS. The ease with which it can be used has also helped it to be easily ported to the Java and .NET virtual machines.

Now, the question is, why should we learn Python?

It is a very popular coding language among developers, software engineers, data scientists and even hackers. The reason is its versatility, object-oriented features and flexibility. Most of the mobile and web applications we use have the abundance of Python's libraries, different frameworks, a huge collection of modules and file extensions. Python is also helpful in building micro-projects to macro enterprise web services.

Basically, when it comes to starting with an object-oriented programming language, people either start with Python or Java. Python becomes the first choice in this case, as it is more user-friendly. The coding style in Python is more intuitive and it is also less complex.

That's why you need to start immediately to learn how Python works thanks to:

"Python Programming or beginners, The simplified beginner's guide to learn basics of Python Computer Language, coding project, data science, data analytics and machine learning" by Matthew Python.

Though Python is a very high-level language, it is capable of doing complex tasks. Python is not only easy to learn but also ha a very clean syntax. Thus, it can be used by both beginners, as well as, experienced programmers. Also, there is no need to enroll in courses with high fees, to learn the language. One can do self-study, enroll in online tutorials or in coding boot camps to learn the languages.

The goal of the eBook is simple: allow you to have a deep understanding of Python as a programming language.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • What is Python

  • History; Different of Python version; How to download and install (different O.S.) Python; preparing computer for Python; writing first python program

  • Installation of Python

  • How to download and install (different O.S.) Python; preparing computer for Python; Building Development environment; writing first python program

  • What are Variables and Strings

  • Explain why variables are needed; variable naming and assignment; static type and dynamic type; python's numeric data types; decimal mode; constant; formatting input and output function; some practice exercises

  • Operators in Python

  • Explain why operators are necessary & what are operands and operators; arithmetic Operators; modulus; squaring and cubing in python

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