Securing Salesforce Digital Experiences
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Join me on my journey on one of the worst days of my life when my customer's Salesforce Digital Experience got hacked. I'll take you through my day, starting with how it happened and the steps we followed to triage and secure the breach. Along the way, we will look at some of the real costs of a data breach and what Salesforce has done to better secure customers' data in Digital Experiences.
In the end, you will understand the key things you need to know so that this doesn't happen to you. You'll also learn how to use the Salesforce Well-Architected framework and principles to secure your Salesforce program in the real world.
Plus, I've thrown in some bonus material, providing you with the top Salesforce security best practices and a video showing you exactly how to ethically hack your own Salesforce Digital Experience so you can know if you are at risk.