Cissp Exam Certification Companion: 1000+ Practice Questions and Expert Strategies for Passing the Cissp Exam
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The demand for certified information security professionals continues to increase, and the CISSP exam is widely recognized as one of the most challenging and comprehensive information security certification exams. This book will provide readers with the practice and exam strategies they need to pass the CISSP exam and launch their careers in information security. It covers all of the topics tested on the exam, including security management practices, access control systems and methodology; laws, regulations, standards, and compliance; and telecommunications and network security.
In addition to providing practice questions, this book also includes background information on the CISSP exam, including the exam format, content, and best ways to study for the exam. It is designed to be user friendly and easy to follow, with clear explanations and examples for all the practice questions.
What You Will Learn
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of the CISSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK)
- Gain background information on the CISSP exam, including the exam format, content, and best ways to study for the exam
- Develop the critical thinking skills that are essential for success on the CISSP exam
- Master test-taking strategies for successfully passing the CISSP exam
- Prepare through a realistic simulation of the actual CISSP exam
Who this book is for:
Individuals preparing for the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) exam--someone who has a background in information technology or information security and is looking to pass the CISSP exam and become a CISSP-certified professional.
Secondaryaudiences include information technology professionals looking to expand their knowledge and skills in the field of information security, individuals interested in pursuing a career in information security and considering the CISSP certification, and current or aspiring information security managers who want to advance their careers and take on more responsibilities in their organizations.