Practical Laravel 11: Modern App Development with Php, React, React Native, Vue and Graphql
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You'll start by reviewing the Laravel ecosystem and then move on to building some real-world applications. These applications are production-ready using Laravel's best practices and modern frontend frameworks like React and Vue.js. The first app is a modular CMS (PickleCMS), along with a website that consumes the content. Next, you'll build an eCommerce mobile app (Commercify) using Laravel. Finally, you'll build a Travel App (TripoNama).
Along the way, you'll study related topics that apply to your applications, including search with Laravel Scout, generating PDFs, logging, browser automation with Dusk, consuming and building REST and GraphQL APIs. Practical Laravel 11 is not just another documentation tool, it's a must-have companion for Laravel enthusiasts.
What You'll Learn
- Build a GraphQL API to use in real-world applications.
- Work with testing and browser automation tools.
- Consume and expose APIs with Laravel.
- Write Artisan commands that run on the CLI.
- Build a blogging system and WYSIWYG page editor.
Who This Book Is For
Modern developers who want to learn and adopt the latest version of Laravel, and for software architects planning large scale web and mobile applications architectures using the Laravel eco-system, including DevOps, debugging, and testing.