OpenAI GPT For Python Developers - 2nd Edition: The art and science of building AI-powered apps with GPT-4, Whisper, Weaviate, and beyond
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The knowledge you'll acquire from this guide will be applicable to the current families of GPT models and will likely also be relevant to GPT-5, should it ever be released.
- Fine-tuned, domain-specific chatbots.
- An intelligent conversational system with memory and context.
- A semantic modern search engine using RAG and other techniques.
- An intelligent coffee recommendation system based on your taste.
- A chatbot assistant to assist with Linux commands
- A fine-tuned news category prediction system.
- An AI-to-AI autonomous discussion system to simulate human-like conversations or solve problems
- An AI-based mental health coach trained on a large dataset of mental health conversations
- and more!
By reading this guide and following the examples, you will be able to:
- Understand the different models available, and how and when to use each one.
- Generate human-like text for various purposes, such as answering questions, creating content, and other creative uses.
- Control the creativity of GPT models and adopt the best practices to generate high-quality text.
- Transform and edit the text to perform translation, formatting, and other useful tasks.
- Optimize the performance of GPT models using various parameters and options such as max_tokens, temperature, top_p, n, stream, logprobs, stop, presence_penalty, frequency_penalty, best_of, and others.
- Stem, lemmatize, and reduce your costs when using the API.
- Understand Context Stuffing, chaining, and practice prompt engineering.
- Implement a chatbot with memory and context.
- Create prediction algorithms and zero-shot techniques and evaluate their accuracy.
- Understand, practice, and improve few-shot learning.
- Understand fine-tuning and leverage its power to create your own fine-tuned models.
- Implement fine-tuning best practices
- Practice training and classification techniques using GPT.
- Understand embedding and how companies such as Tesla and Notion are using it.
- Understand and implement semantic search, RAG, and other advanced tools/concepts.
- Integrate a Vector Database (Weaviate) with your intelligent systems.
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