Seven Elements of Highly Successful Zero Trust Architecture

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zero trust as a guiding principle for architecting a secure network but aren't sure where to start. Maybe it all seems a little overwhelming. Maybe you're just looking for a practical guide to getting it done. In any of these cases, and wherever you happen to be on your journey, this book is for you.

Broken down into seven elements, this reference architecture-style guide covers each step a user must pass through after initiating a request and before a connection is granted. The 150+ page book describes:

  • Crucial criteria for verifying identity, context, and app policy before any connection is considered
  • The importance of content inspection - even in the likely case the traffic is encrypted
  • How a dynamic risk score helps in conducting policy enforcement based on an organization's risk tolerance

It all adds up to the definitive, modern path for creating a fast, reliable, and easy-to-operate zero trust network architecture. If you're looking to implement one for your environment, this guide will help.

Zscaler Inc.