Ruby on Rails Training in Helena

Enroll in or hire us to teach our Ruby on Rails class in Helena, Montana by calling us @303.377.6176. Like all HSG classes, Ruby on Rails may be offered either onsite or via instructor led virtual training. Consider looking at our public training schedule to see if it is scheduled: Public Training Classes
Provided there are enough attendees, Ruby on Rails may be taught at one of our local training facilities.
Helena Upcoming Instructor Led Online and Public Ruby on Rails classes
Ruby on Rails Training/Class 5 December, 2024 - 6 December, 2024 $790 w
HSG Training Center Instructor led online
Helena, Montana 59601
Hartmann Software Group Training Registration
We offer private customized training for groups of 3 or more attendees.

Course Description


This 2 - day course describes how to write database - backed Web Applications using the Ruby on Rails (also pronounced RoR, or Rails) Framework. Students are taken through the various steps of creating a full - fledged Web Application. Topics include the MVC paradigm,object relational mapping, fill - in forms, sessions, validation techniques, testing, and various other Rails topics. This course covers the fundamental components of the Ruby Programming Language. Emphasis is placed on the object oriented aspec ts of Ruby. Topics include arrays, hashes, regular expressions, io, exceptions, modules, and applications areas.

Course Length: 2 Days
Course Tuition: $790 (US)


Students who are familiar with Ruby Programming language, SQL database and have an understanding of HTML.

Course Outline


An Overview of Ruby on Rails

What is Ruby on Rails?

Overview of Rails Components

Installing Rails

A Simple Rails


Starting the Rails Server

Static Pages Within a Rails Application

The Structure of a Rails Application

Generating a Controller

Rendering the View

Adding a Static Page

Dynamic Pages with Embedded Ruby

Using the render Method

Using the l

ink_to Method


Rails and HTML Forms

A Basic HTML Form

Processing an HTML Form

Working w

ith Form Data

Other Form Elements

Form Tag Helpers


Databases and Rails

Review of the MVC Architecture

Entities and Relationships

Databases and Models

Rails Database Conventions

Adding a Model

Database Migrations

The Rails Database Console

Creating a Rails View of a

Database Table


RESTful Routes and Resources


Form Helpers and Validation


Form Helpers and form_for

Processing Form Helpers

From Form to Database


Data Validation

Validation Helpers

The presence Validator

The numericality Validator

The uniqueness Validator

The length Validator

The format Validator

Custom Validation Methods

The errors Object

Displaying Validation Errors in the View


Adding Style to an Application


Rails and Sass

Cascading Style Sheets




Configuring an Application for Sessions

Registering Users

The Register Action

The flash Hash


ng the Registration

Logging in

Logging Out

Protected Pages



Putting It All Together


The Business Application

Database Terminology

Linking Two Models

Adding Tasks

The Database Tables

Displaying Employee Tasks

Deleting a Task

Listing Employees and Tasks


Editing a Record


Course Directory [training on all levels]

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Ruby Programming Uses & Stats

Ruby Programming is Used For:
Desktop GUI's Web Applications Web Development
Year Created
Easy to Learn:
Along with Python, Ruby is regarded as one of the easier languages to learn
Growing Community: 
Ruby has a vast collection of open source code available within the Rails community.
Readable Code:
Ruby is mostly self-documenting which increases productivity because there is less need to write out separate documentation. As a result it makes it easier on developers to pick up existing projects. 
Good for Rapid Application Development (RAD):
Rails framework makes it easy to accommodate changes. 
Performance and Scalability:
There have been concerns that Rails applications are not as fast as Java or C, which is true, but for the majority of applications it is fast enough.
Not All Website Hosts Can Support Rails:
Alternatively, Rails application can be hosted on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) with Amazon EC2, Rackspace, or Linode. 
It can be a bit challenging to find documentation for popular gems and libraries that heavily involve using mixins. 
Ruby Programming Job Market
Average Salary
Job Count
Top Job Locations

New York City
San Francisco

Complimentary Skills to have along with Ruby Programming

If you are just learning to write code, Ruby is one of the best languages to start with. Ruby is a dynamic, object oriented , general purpose programming language. 

Interesting Reads Take a class with us and receive a book of your choosing for 50% off MSRP.